
Review: CloudOn Microsoft Office for iPad

Last week I read a blurb about CloudOn’s new Microsoft Office app for iPad. I tested it over the weekend and really liked it. Unless you are making use of the Citrix app, or some other similar app, CloudOn’s product seems to be the most robust Microsoft Office app for iPad on the market.

Previously, I had used the QuickOffice app, which runs $14.99 on the Apple App Store. CloudOn is currently free. In addition to price, CloudOn has two stronger advantages over QuickOffice. First, CloudOn offers much more robust editing capability. For example, CloudOn allows users to make use of Word’s track changes function – a huge advantage for those who make heavy edits to documents. Second, CloudOn is integrated with the DropBox cloud storage service. If you store documents on DropBox, you can quickly access and edit those documents via CloudOn. In other words, you have easy access to your documents while on the go.

While I am sure that a Microsoft developed Office App for iPad would be best, CloudOn seems like an upgrade over other available Office clients for iPad. For more, check out CloudOn, here.